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Clare Leighton (1898-1989):
Singing, BPL 723 1957
Framed (ref: 9702)
Original woodblock
See all works by Clare Leighton woodblock allegory animals music women
Provenance: The Artist's Estate
Singing was originally printed in an edition of 75 as part of Helen Plotz, Untune the Sky, (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell).1957. The was a collection of verse from Euripides and Pindar, through Herrick and Shakespeare, to Marianne Moore and Wallace Stevens, celebrating the power of music and bring to the reader "the full-fugued song of the universe un-ending." In keeping with this interpretation Leightons image combines two foreground angelic portrait heads with ecstatic gospel singers in profile in the background, with birds singing dawn chorus bathed in the rays of celestial light.